Join Our Quest Students for RooCade!

The Quest students have an upcoming event we would like to tell you about! These students have been working hard to create working arcade games out of cardboard and other craft items! 
We will hold a district-wide "Roocade" event at the Ninth Grade Center on Tuesday, November 10th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. We would absolutely love to see you there!
This event will be held to raise money for a local charity of the students' choice. The students voted for the Parker County Animal Shelter as their charity to support. 
At the official event we are asking for a minimum $2 donation per player to play all the games you want! Families are welcome! Other items requested by the shelter include towels, blankets, cat and dog food, cat litter, and cleaning supplies. 
We hope to see you either at the mock arcade or at the actual event! Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you so much for supporting our program!!!